Programs at Dress for Success Western MA:
Suiting | Foot in the Door | Margaret Fitzgerald Mentor Program | Professional Women’s Group | Digital Literacy Coaching
We want you to feel your best while job searching and in the first few weeks of employment. Once you’ve scheduled an interview, obtain a referral to visit our local Dress for Success boutique located at the Eastfield Mall in Springfield. Our volunteer suiters will work with you to help you choose an interview outfit that is both professional and authentically you. Outfits include clothing, shoes, a purse and jewelry. We’ll even take before and after photos to highlight your professional transformation. Suiters will also provide guidance and support for the upcoming interview and, when you get the job, they will welcome you back to choose four more outfits to take you through the workweek with confidence.
For more information, contact Diane Jacobs at
Boutique Phone: 413.301.8506
Boutique Address: 45 Lyman Street in downtown Springfield, MA
Click here to learn more about donating clothing and accessories.
Click here to download the Client Referral Form.
Click here to download the Agency Referral Application
Foot in the Door
When you step into an interview or start a new job, you want to be ready. Foot in the Door is a workforce readiness training program that helps unemployed and underemployed women and non-binary people develop skills that increase employability, professional growth, self-sufficiency and economic empowerment. As a member of a Foot in the Door cohort, you will participate in 15 hours of Tech Goes Home digital literacy training which will end with a certification and brand-new Chromebook, mouse, head set, hotspot with one year activation and tote. Then you will engage in 56 hours of training that will include career pathways and exploration, self-worth, workplace dynamics, employability, presentation, resume writing, interview skills and more. You will also participant in mock interviews with corporate partners, some of which are hiring. You will also train for and take the National Career Readiness Certification exam. All of this will be accomplished with the support of a knowledgeable instructor, fellow participants and a tribe of staff and volunteers who truly care about your accomplishments. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate from DFSWM and our partners at Holyoke Community College and celebrate with friends and family at a graduation luncheon
Application form for the Workplace Readiness Training Program
For more information, contact Jess Roncarati-Howe at
Margaret Fitzgerald Mentor Program
Margaret Fitzgerald worked as a secretary in the physics department at Mount Holyoke College. Decades ago, as the field was dominated by men, Margaret dedicated herself to guiding and supporting the female students. She meant so much to these students that, even as they went on to prestigious schools and noteworthy careers, they kept in touch and credited her with their success. It is in this spirit that we provide on-on-one mentorships from volunteer professionals and retired professionals to women and non-binary people who are working to turn their aspirations into action steps.
Mentorships are tailored to each mentee’s personal situations and definitions of success. Mentors build trust and meet them where they are in life, creating personalized goals that range from work-life balance to financial planning, higher education to goal setting, employment to career advancement. Mentoring pairs commit for one year, though many remain in the program longer, and meet for approximately ninety minutes per month at times and in ways that are convenient to them. Quarterly meetings are held to bring all of the pairs together, network and learn from a collegiate-level presenter on a group-sourced topic. The overall goal is to give you, as a mentee, the tools and support to succeed!
For more information, contact Jess Roncarati-Howe at
Professional Women’s Group
Our services don’t stop once you’ve found a job! We want you to advance your career, grow your network, and gain the skills you need to achieve your personal definition of success. Employed participants who would like to remain an active part of our community can be invited to join this Group. Building a strong network of support, they meet monthly to for collegiate level workshops on topics like Critical Thinking/Critical Conversations, Time Management, Financial Planning, Imposter Syndrome and more. They also have the opportunity to attend a full-day annual retreat, participant in exclusive trainings and events, provide guidance to the organization and even fill a seat on the Board of Directors.
For more information, contact Jess Roncarati-Howe at
Tech-savvy and IT professional volunteers connect you one-on-one to help with a variety of subjects, including
Interacting with internet service providers
Understanding your bill
Using Hot Spots
Working from your phone
Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms
Microsoft Office Suite
Social Media
Online Interviewing
Internet job searching